Absolar double win at Test Valley Business Awards

Absolar scooped two awards at the Test Valley Business Awards 2021 which took place at the Army flying Museum in Middle Wallop on November 4th 2021, winning New Business of the Year and Small Business of the Year.

The awards were as a result of Absolar's Remote Solar Survey tool being deployed to over 23 Local Authorities, where it is being used to tackle fuel poverty as part of the Green Homes Grants and subsequent grant funding. The tool allows the instant identification of properties with solar potential, providing a full business case for each opportunity overlaid with relevant data such as income deprivation and existing energy performance. Together, this data allows a targeted approach to solving fuel poverty.

In addition, the tool was integrated into Portsmouth City Councils Switched on Solar tool, built by Absolar's in-house software development team, that allows every resident of Portsmouth to instantly see their solar potential and connect with local installers to get solar panels on their roof in the most efficient manner.

Speaking regarding the win, The Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor Mark Cooper said

“I’m most impressed by Absolar, it’s a remarkable start-up doing very well, some wonderful ideas and absolutely fit for the times that we’re in. I think the fact that they are giving information to people without directly charging for it is remarkable. We need to have ideas as well as scientists for our future. Its brilliant and I’m most impressed.”

Nic Cory, Director, who was present to collect the award on behalf of the Absolar team said

“We are a diverse team bought together by a mission, to reduce emissions and fuel poverty across homes and businesses using the very best of technology. We are honoured to have received two awards in the Test Valley Business Awards and it adds to our drive as a team to succeed in our mission”

There were seven categories for awards at the event with three businesses from across the borough shortlisted for each. Absolar is based at the University of Southampton Science Park which sits inside the Test Valley Local Authority area. Romsey MP Caroline Nokes was guest speaker together with nominated charity Jane Scarth House providing an update on their impact in the area.

Click here to find out more about our Remote Solar Survey service.

With a few clicks

Get a Remote Solar Survey. Simply enter the address of your building, and an Absolar survey report will be sent to you within 2 working days.